Teaching children about the LGBT community is very important. Students need to learn that is okay to be different and they can't associate certain groups of people by the ways they are brought up with. Teachers are trying to incorporate this topic in their learning when they get the chance to so that all students feel comfortable and welcome. Examples of this include adding more books that have a variety of family styles, talking about it when it gets brought up instead of pretending to not hear the comments and making a safe space for those students who are LGBT. As this article mentions even in elementary school there are teachers trying to incorporate and include everyone. There are many ways they have explained and had a discussion with their students about LGBT and it makes them have a positive view of it rather than what they might hear about it at home or from someone else.We need to teach children that it is okay to not be the same as everyone else and feel different.
It is important that teachers include the LGBT community into their classrooms. Any chance that there is to include such explanations should be discussed. This will create a more comfortable atmosphere for those who define themselves as LGBT or children with LGBT parents or relatives. It is in this world today so we can't just let it go unseen and if we hear it being talked about it is important to chime in and create a discussion.
In this link there are various lesson plans that incorporate LGBT into the curriculum. There are ideas on how to make LGBT students feel comfortable in your classroom and ways to make the lessons reflect them as well. Even today I feel as though teachers need to be comfortable explaining and teaching this because it is going to come up in discussions. They need to be able to put their views of it to the side and be open minded to teach these students about it.
This table was conducted to show whether there is a relation to teaching about LGBT and the teachers age. As you can see the trend was as the teacher's age increased their comfort with teaching about LGBT in literature decreased. Except the over 60 year old teachers. This is because the older teachers weren't brought up learning about this and they want to stick to the way they know things. The younger teachers know more about this and were in this generation so they feel comfortable including it.
This article talks about creating a more inclusive atmosphere for LGBT students just like the reading we did. Including more books in libraries so that students have a variety and that is exactly what the librarian in the "Safe Spaces" reading was doing. This article also explains how there needs to be allies for these LGBT students. Even the teachers could be allies when they hear students talking about this topic they should chime in and have a discussion to create it into a learning experience rather than something negative. Like the reading said it is important to make these students feel like they are part of the school than to just let ideas about LGBT go unseen.
As the "Safe Spaces" article talked about parents also have an affect on their children when learning about LGBT. It is important for parents to encourage and teach this rather than just shrug it off and not discuss these situations with their children because then when they go to school they will have negative views on LGBT and could be a bully of the LGBT students. Parents helping their children to be aware of this can help in school and creating a safe place for those LGBT students. Many students have a lack of knowledge of what this means and it should be Brought up within the household as well so the children see the many different ways of living and others don't feel offended.
Most of the LGBT students don't feel welcome or safe in their classrooms and that is why they would rather skip school. So instead of having them feel like this it is important to be mindful of every student and include them despite their differences.
I really liked the comment in the "Safe Spaces" article that said "classrooms need to be windows and mirrors..". This was an interesting point because the windows represent the children going above and beyond and looking into the future and the mirrors represent the children themselves. So they can act like themselves in a classroom and feel safe.
Let everyone be accepted and feel comfortable in the classroom because they can choose to be whatever they want.
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