Monday, December 10, 2018

Social Justice Reflection

New York Times Article

In New Jersey schools there are still views of segregation. There is still segregation in New Jersey towns so it is going to be in schools. They need to figure out ways to integrate the schools. This is crazy to me because this article was written in May 2018 and the New Jersey schools aren't even integrated a little bit yet? Our schools are integrated but they could do better than they are. Someone needs to do something about it unless it doesn't get done. Segregation has been in New Jersey so they just let it go and then it ends up getting worse in the schools. they have never addressed the idea of segregation because it has always existed and now it has gotten so bad they don't know what to do. You cannot let segregation get out of hand because it is going to turn into a big problem like this.

Image result for segregation in school new jersey 2018

The lawsuit has several alternatives to help with this segregation. They want to have magnet schools from multiple towns so that the schools are better. The students perform better in integrated schools rather than segregated schools. Every students benefits in integrated schools rather than one race having more opportunities than another. This relates to the Christensen article because it involves different races and ethnic groups. Each students deserves to have an equal opportunities in school. They are all students going to school to learn and deserve to achieve the same education.

This article also relates to the article we read by Tal and Herbert. These schools in New Jersey are fighting to be integrated and this article explains that we don't realize how much more integrated our schools could be if we tried. They are integrated but not as much as they could be. But New Jersey needs to make changes to their segregated schools to stop spreading it and it getting any worse. Schools in New Jersey need to be more diverse so the students learn better and are mixed to learn about different backgrounds and prepare them for the real world. People aren't interacting with one another and getting to know one another so it is hard to make connections.

An article pertaining to the Brown v. Board (which we talked about in class) and segregation also relates to this New York Times article because the schools are unequal and the students shouldn't have to learn like this everyday. Students need to have their voices heard and fight for an equal education just like in Brown v. Board and if their voices aren't heard then they need to do something further. This article explained the segregation, what was done about it and how schools became integrated throughout the way.

Another article that relates to this issue is, How segregated are New Jersey's schools and what can be done about it?  ( This article relates directly to the lawsuit article because it is about New Jersey schools. They are saying the same thing about the segregation in the schools and what should be done about it. The students are stuck surrounded by segregation everyday not only where they live but where they spend their days learning. School is supposed to be a safe and comfortable place for everyone but how can these students feel like that in this environment? Something needs to be done in order for this issue resolve.

Image result for segregation in school  2018

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Social Justice Reflection

New York Times Article Article: In Ne...