Sunday, November 18, 2018


Blog Post 10

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1. '...outlined, society itself is hurt when schools act as cultural sorting machines-locations that 'justify a competitive ethic that marginalizes certain students or groups of students ... [that] legitimize discrimination and devaluation on the basis of the dominant society's preferences in matters of ability, gender, ethnicity, and race ... and [that]endorse an elaborate process of sorting by perceived ability and behavior'.

Separating students in schools can have an affect on the students. All students go to school to get an education and these factors shouldn't disturb the kind of education they are getting. They are all students that are there to learn. Students should not feel like they at a competitive place when they are at school because they are all there for the same reason. In my schooling experience there were always those few students who wanted to be better than the other but it isn't about that. If you as an individual are learning and making progress throughout your schooling career then that is what matters.

2. "Dewey (1899) believed schools must serve as the sites in which children develop both a sense of commitment to one another and a sense of self-direction leading to "the deepest and the best guarantee of a larger society which is worthy, lovely, and harmonious".

Schools should be a safe place for students and everyone should feel comfortable and welcome. This is where students form connections with one another and every student should feel like they have the opportunity to do that. No student should ever feel left out or not included.

3. 'It's not like they come here to be labeled, or to believe the label. We're all here-kids, teachers, parents, whoever-it's about all of us working together, playing together, being together, and that's
what learning is. Don't tell me any of these kids are being set up to fail'.

Students shouldn't be going to school to get assigned to different groups but instead to achieve an equal education. Schools already produce inequality so it is important for teachers to balance it out. I agree that learning involves everyone in order for it to be effective.

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Blog Post 9


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1.  "On the other side, growing numbers of school professionals and parents oppose tracking because they believe it locks most students into classes where they are stereotyped as "less able," and where they have fewer opportunities to learn".

Tracking might seem to favor one group of students over the other and that is why some parents and teachers don't like it. I agree that by tracking all students don't get the same education and advantage as others. But also tracking can help put students in the right classes that they need to be in so it prepares them for higher ability classes if that's what they can handle.

2. "More-over, the nature of these differences suggests that students who are placed in high-ability groups have access to far richer schooling experiences than other students. This finding helps explain, at least in part, why it is that tracking sometimes seems to "work" for high- ability students and not for others".

To students tracking may not seem fair since the higher ability students tend to have more of an advantage than the lower ability students. Every student deserves the same education so it is important for students of different abilities to be together so they all can benefit.

3. " On the other hand, without a positive classroom climate, students spend considerable energy interfering with the teacher's agenda, and teachers must spend more of their time and energy just trying to maintain control".

I agree that sometimes it is hard to have students of mixed abilities together because half the class is on one page while the other half is on another page. The pace is also hard to control but the high ability students could be a model for the lower ability students.

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Monday, November 5, 2018

Tal, Herbert, Website

Blog Post 8
Separate and Unequal 

Extended Comments

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For this blog post I am writing extended comments to Emily Vieira's blog.
I agree with the quotes that she chose because they show how the students reacted to the transfer students. They didn't think anything different of them and that is important because the students are all just there to learn and get an education. The parents were downgrading these transfer students because they thought they were going to affect the school but they didn't at all. This isn't good for their kids to hear either because then they are going to be in that mindset when it is actually not like that. The students in that school became better because of the integrated school. There were no negative effects because of the transfer students. Integrated schools are beneficial for all students because it provides different resources and learning tools to the classroom.

The issue is blacks not getting the same education as whites and there needs to be more integration. The teachers usually turn away from low-income and poverty schools so that leaves these students with a less education than others. The teachers don't really want to be there so they aren't going to put their all into the job and then the students struggle. The courses taught are different and the students aren't getting the education that they should get. The advanced kids get better quality teachers than the kids who are behind. I agree with the quote that she included about the integration of lower-class communities into upper-class communities. These lower class students thrive in an upper class school because they get a better education and have more tools and resources for them to use. Overall, all students will benefit from transferring lower class students to a middle class school.

The society now should be way more integrated than it actually is.

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Social Justice Reflection

New York Times Article Article: In Ne...