Sunday, September 30, 2018


Blog Post 3

Image result for different language cartoonIn the article Aria by Richard Rodriguez the argument is that in order to be acquired into public society there are disadvantages to your private identity. People shouldn’t have to lose their private part of their life and how they connect with their family just because of the dominant culture. This is an understandable argument because it isn’t fair to those people who are defined by their identities because they shouldn’t have to lose them to be accepted into a culture. Rodriguez was born into a Spanish speaking family but was surrounded by an English culture. He explained how he thought Spanish was a “private language” and English was a “public language”. He was allowed to speak Spanish freely at his home but in public he had to speak what everyone else spoke. His language gave him a sense of security and made him close with his family because not many people spoke it. Unfortunately, it was mandatory that Rodriguez and his family only speak English so that the children could be successful in school. This was a challenge and transition for Rodriquez and his family because they were so used to their language. Although it is important for the parents to set the example and speak English to their children it can be tough because they feel like their language has been taken away from them. Rodriquez had a tough time because he felt lost as his language defined him. This is like not being allowed into a society because you are different. This tore Rodriguez's identity away from him and he didn't feel the same. He wasn't as close with his family because the bond he held so close with them was speaking Spanish together. His main point is that you shouldn't have to have your identities taken away just because the type of culture you are in. There should be other alternatives and accommodations for things like this when your in different cultures. In order to include everyone we need to accept all the languages and cultures instead of one being on top of all the others. At least it is working to get better and schools are accommodating children of all cultures and given them an opportunity.

Image result for language barrier cartoon

This cartoon shows that the main language spoken is English and they only think about that language and aren't open to allowing another language into theirs to be spoken.


This article explains how one student was also forced to learn English when his main language was Spanish and how he was pulled out of his other classes to go to reading Classes to learn English. In order for him to go to school he had to speak English, This relates to Rodriquez's experience as well. But for another student he was offered both English and Spanish. His school accepted bilingual students and incorporated both English and Spanish into the teaching process. This is important because now the students will have two languages and won't feel like their language is being left out.

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